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Day Seventeen

William Oster said, “We are here to add what we can to, not get what we can from, life.”

30 Days of Encouragement - Day Seventeen

by Gail Bowman

William Oster said, “We are here to add what we can to, not get what we can from, life.”

I recently heard an interesting quiz to define the value of a person’s life: Do you have joy in your life? Have you brought joy to the lives of others? I was struck by the simplic­ity and truth of that thought. How do we bring joy to others? Usually we give joy by unselfishly giving of ourselves and/or our time.

What brings you joy? In most cases it turns out to be the same thing! A moment when you have given of yourself, or shared a little of yourself, with someone else. Find a way today to give joy to someone else and you may find that you will keep a little for yourself while you are at it.

Matthew 25:34-36
‘Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you took me in. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.’